How to Apply Eye Makeup?


How to apply a perfect eye makeup to look your eyes more beautiful?

Well who doesn’t want to look pretty? Eyes are the most attractive feature on our face, and ladies you do not need to apply makeup on your face to look beautiful you can look beautiful as well as more attractive with only applying eye makeup on your face. A good and attractive eye makeup can make you look even more beautiful. Now I am going to share few tips with all you ladies that how you can look more beautiful only after applying a perfect eye makeup.

Eye Makeup

Before starting the eye makeup first we need to collect all the important makeup tools and kit. All we need is…

  1. Concealer
  2. Primer
  3. Eyeliners
  4. Eyeshadow
  5. Eyebrow Pencil (you can skip this you can use light Eyeshadow)
  6. Eyelash Curler
  7. Mascara

Step-1. Apply Concealer to your Dark Bits

Before starting the eye makeup you need to even out the eye area to highlight all the colors on your eyes. You can apply concealer on your eyes with your finger tips or using a concealer brush around your eyes.

How to apply concealer?

  • Under each eyes you just need to apply 3 dots of concealer and start from the inner corner of your eyes where your skin tends to be darkest then under the pupil and then outer edge of your eyes.
  • Remember, never rub the concealer with your finger tips you just need to pat the concealer with your ring finger till the concealer disappear completely. (Ring finger tends to have the softest pad)


Step-2. Apply Primer on Lids

How to apply primer on eye lids?

Work of Primer is just like you prime your walls before paint. Before starting makeup you can prime your face to make your makeup smooth as well as last long. Eyeshadow primer is the secret to keep your eyeshadow as it is in place for hours. Primer helps to keep your eye makeup in place through rain, workouts, a good cry and even a night sleep.

I recommend you to use a good quality primer. Choose a best company or brand which suits you the most.


Step-3. Highlight your Eyes with Eyeliner

How to apply Eyeliner?

To line your eyes you can choose a liquid eyeliner, an eye pencil or you can go with dark eyeshadow to line your eyes, I would recommend to use eyeshadow to apply it as eye liner, you need to dip a wet liner brush in your dark eyeshadow to apply on your eyes.


You need to be very careful while applying eye liner and make sure you start line your eyes as close to the upper lashes from the inner corner to the outer corner area of your eyes. Then follow with liner on your bottom eyes eye lashes and smoothly smudge the liner with a Q-tip or your finger. You don’t want a prominent line as smudge liner on your bottom eyes will make your eyes look more attractive.

If you want to your eyes to look smokey feel then you can use a brush to pat in a dark eyeshadow along the upper lid and below the lid. For smokey eyes there is no need to line your eyes perfectly instead you want to blend it so it’s “smudge-y.”


Step-4. Few Shots of Eyeshadow

How to apply Eyeshadow?

Eyeshadow is great because it covers up any veins uneven tone in your lids and helps make your eyes pop and highlight. For day time party or get together you can opt light eyeshadow on your lid nothing else. Eye shadows basic rule is that you start with a light color application that almost matches your lid color. Curve the color diagonally the lid and up to your browbone. Now follow with a medium color across your lid only. Build on this with a darker color in the crease. Blend the colors well.

For a bit more drama, try a three-toned eyeshadow palette and build from lids to brow. You want to blend them into each other like a rainbow.


Step-5. How to Highlight the Inner Eye?

This step is a secret of every makeup artist and a trick let me share with you.

In this step you just need to focus on the inside part of the eyes. Just putting the lightest eyeshadow in the inner corner area of your eye will brighten it expressively. to highlight the inner corner you just need to dab your finger in the lightest eyeshadow of your palette and then press it into the inner corner of your eye where the upper lid meets the bottom lid and trust me this will make your eyes “pop”.


Step-6. Highlighting the Eyebrows

eybrowsYou can use eyebrow pencil to highlight the brows but I will personally suggest you to use a light eyeshadow rather then a pencil.

Its very simple to highlight your eyebrows you just need to apply a lightest eyeshadow which matches the color of your brows like light brown, black etc. and then dab it to your browbone.

Try to blend it with your finger so it will not look like artificial and gives you the feeling of natural eyebrows. Not every women prefer to highlight their brows as they already have beautiful natural eyebrows but some needs it badly because of the thin growth of their eyebrows.


Step-7. Curl your Lashes

Well curling the lashes is not a bad idea in fact it is a very good idea to curl your lashes it will enhance the beauty of your lashes, try to curl the lashes after applying mascara on it. You can heat the curler under a blow-dryer for a couple of seconds also before applying this on your lashes first test its heat because you could burn yourself.

If you have very light and thin lashes and you don’t want to put extra effort on your lashes then you can go for artificial eye lashes also which is easily available in the market.


Step-8 Last But Not the Least Apply Mascara?

How to Apply Mascara?

Move your mascara brush in the direction of up and down to perfectly apply the mascara on your upper lashes then slightly roll the brush upwards for finishing. Follow the same to apply the mascara on bottom lashes.



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